Rider Åre

Your local event agency

Rider is your brand experience agency in Åre. We are independent, local and with more than 20 years’ experience we guide you through every step of your conference, event or sponsorship activation. Welcome!

Corporate Events

Looking for an independent and local agency for your conference? We assist in navigating the vast range of lodging, food and beverage, logistics, activities and all that the mountain has to offer for your event.

Sponsorship and Activation

Maximize your sponsorship impact. We know Åre and can guide you on how to activate your brand across all target audiences during your sponsorship.

Event Marketing

We create events that drive active participation. By engaging all senses, we activate the right consumer, at the right place and time, prompting action.

Employee Branding

We help you create the right conditions to maximize travel, destination, content, and activities, aiming to boost motivation, engagement, and pride.

Welcome to Åre as a Marketplace and Destination

About us


guests visit Åre every year


visitors earn over 500K SEK


of visitors are from Mälardalen


hotel beds


restaurants in White Guide


restaurants and cafés

About us

Here's a look at our portfolio which ranges from influencer trips to enhancing brand presence.

CELSIUS 300 influencers invited to Åre.Rider was the full-serviceagency that performed content, procurement of accommodation, f&b and activities.

SKIWEEK invites over 6,000 students to Åre and 1,000 to Vemdalen - the Nordics' largest event for students.

PUCKO SKIDKLUBB Rider has developed the concept and works in 360 for the brand. Today with almost 60,000 members.

ARVID NORDQVIST Rider developed the concept and built coffee kiosks on the piste during the Åre Session festival weekend.

Committed to Results

As a full-service experiential marketing agency, we ensure measurable outcomes, whether our involvement is strategic or tactical. We can manage your entire event or handle specific aspects.

About us

Join Rider on social platforms to witness the power of innovative branding. We transform your everyday interactions into memorable brand experiences.

Embark on your your brand's next journey

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for any inquiries or to start creating your brand's next chapter. We're here to work together and enhance your brand's journey to excellence.

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